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October 13, 2021

Welcome Reggie to the DogWatch of Mid Canada family and the Fence Fur-eedom Club!

Please welcome Reggie from Stonewall to the DogWatch of Mid Canada family and the Fence Fur-eedom club!

Reggie might only be 14 weeks old but he sure picked up the training in a snap! Look at the video and see how Reggie does not want to go near the flags which is exactly what we are training him! With all our new customers, we really focus on positive reinforcement! Reggie is a great example of a young pup who really picks up on understanding the DogWatch pet containment system!   

What an amazing pup who is full of energy and loves to visit other dogs walking in the neighborhood. With a busy road behind his property, this was really concerning for Reggie’s family. Now with the DogWatch ProFence pet containment system, Reggie can roam freely – and most importantly safely!

Welcome Reggie – you are a GEM!

#FenceFureedomClub #dogwatch #hiddenfence

October 8, 2021

Keep Your Pets Safe While Celebrating Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with friends and family. After the last two years, it’s important to pause and enjoy this special holiday. While it brings people together, it can carry some risks for pets. Here are some tips to keep your furry friend safe during this holiday.

Food Risks

How many times have you hit the couch after dinner to complain about how full you are, or fell asleep in your chair in a “turkey coma”? As much as we all love the amazing Thanksgiving meals, so do our pets and unfortunately that can be dangerous to our pets. Fatty, hard to digest or poisonous foods can result in an emergency vet visit.

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